The banner saga 1 plot summary
The banner saga 1 plot summary

You will need to avoid recruiting one character in particular as he can void the achievements for Alette and Egil. For Egil, you must have him survive the game. For Alette, you need to get through the game without having her kill any humans or Varl (Dredge are fine). The final two achievements are tied to two specific characters, Alette and Egil. Quartermaster requires you to finish the story without anybody dying of starvation and Forced March is awarded for reaching a specific destination - Boersgard - within 120 days. The last run will be done on Easy difficulty and will be used to clean up the remaining achievements.

the banner saga 1 plot summary the banner saga 1 plot summary

Finally, you will also need to win a battle in the training tent while camping and using six units all at Rank 5. Additionally, we will aim to not lose any battles for the Challenge achievement. During this playthrough, you'll be aiming to finish the story and unlocking the difficulty achievement (not stackable). The second run of the game will be played on Hard. The final two achievements for the playthrough will be Treasure Hunter for getting five Rank 5 items in your game and Diplomat for convincing the Varl to destroy one of their landmarks. This playthrough will also be spent visiting all the Godstones and working towards two end game achievements - High Spirits for staying at Normal Morale or above through the whole game and Warmonger for going through at least 40 battles over the course of the playthrough. Go through the game on Normal difficulty recruiting all possible characters and focusing on getting at least one kill with each of them to get the related achievements. When Bredi returned with a greater kill, Sigi grew angry and killed him, then. Sigi went hunting with a thrall named Bredi. The saga begins with a man named Sigi, who, it is said, was a son of Odin.

the banner saga 1 plot summary

Each playthrough will be focused on the following: Ashliman's folktexts, a library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and mythology. To finish the game, we will be aiming to get everything done within three playthroughs, which is definitely doable.

The banner saga 1 plot summary